Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sex and Weed in the City

Ah, what a relief to sit outside in the dark, without sun slowly roasting my body! Our trips to the park were moved to after dark since the heat season started. So this particular night we were sitting in our usual spot - the concrete planter that has been marked by dogs million of times and that has, therefore, lost its original color. I was thoroughly enjoying myself just by enhaling smells and sounds around me..but wait? did this park have skunks? You would think that if there were any, they would have long been extinguished by the dominating force here - dogs?
I turn to Dan, my husband to confirm that I truly am smelling skunk. "Do you smell skunk?" He smiles and points to the left where Great Big Dane a.ka. King owner is sitting, with a glass pipe in her hand. "And, mind you, it is the good stuff". The Great Big Dane lady is busy stuffing the pipe and taking a hit and I start thinking of the effects of second hand smoke. One of the guys sits right next to her - I wonder why! - for the love of Great Danes maybe? As if feeling San Francisco mood, my favorite Sharpei - Sheperd mix Cosmo starts climbing some young pitbull nearby...and there you have it - the whole movie scene - weed, sex and the city! This is where the nightlife begins people - in the dog park!
And why the smell of poor skunks have to become the symbol of something else??

1 comment:

Steph said...

Hi Eva ! I just saw you left a comment on my blog about Gimme Yor Stuff ! I'm ok for a sawp but not just now ... How about some time in August ? my e-mail is vladthebatsattic at yahoo dot com